Englanninkieliset julkaisut

Kivinen, O. & Piiroinen, T. 2020. Updating Dewey’s Transactional Theory of Action in Connection with Evolutionary Theory. In: C. Morgner (Ed.) Rethinking Relations and Social Processes: J. Dewey and the notion of 'trans-action'. Palgrave Studies in Relational Sociology. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp 195–222. Online first 10 October 2019. linkki.
Kaarakainen, M.-T. 2019. Intentions and Digital Abilities of Future Labor Market Entrants in Finland. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies 9 (2). linkki.
Kaarakainen, M.-T. 2019. Education and inequality in digital opportunities - Differences in Digital Engagement Among Finnish Lower and Upper Secondary School Students. Koulutussosiologian tutkimuskeskus, RUSE.väitöskirja. 197 s. Koulutussosiologian tutkimuskeskuksen raportti 82. linkki.
Kivinen, O. & Piiroinen, T. 2019. Evolutionary understanding of the human mind and learning – in accordance with transactional naturalism and methodological relationalism. Physics of Life Reviews 31: 32-43. linkki.
Didegah, F.; Bowman, T. & Holmberg, K. 2018. On the differences between citations and altmetrics: An investigation of factors driving altmetrics vs. citations for Finnish articles. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69 (6): 832-843.
Holmberg, K. & Park, H. W. 2018. An altmetric investigation of the online visibility of South Korea-based scientific journals. Scientometrics 117 (1): 603-613.
Holmberg, K. & Vainio, J. 2018. Why do some research articles receive more online attention and higher altmetrics? Reasons for online success according to the authors. Scientometrics. Online First 21.3.2018. DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-017-2368-0.
Kaarakainen, M.-T. 2018. Measuring ICT skills: relationship of the item difficulty and characteristics of test items. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference March 5th-7th, 2018 Valencia, Spain, pp. 1354-1363.
Kaarakainen, M.-T.; Kaarakainen, S.-S. & Kivinen, A. 2018. Seeking adequate competencies for the future: The Digital Skills of Finnish Upper Secondary School Students. Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies (NJSTS) 6 (1): 4-20. linkki.
Kaarakainen, M.-T.; Kivinen, O. & Vainio, T. 2018. Performance based test for assessing ICT skills – A case study of students’ and teachers’ ICT skills in Finnish schools. Universal Access in the Information Society 17 (2): 349-360. linkki.
Kaarakainen, M.-T.; Saikkonen, L. & Savela, J. 2018. Information Skills of Finnish Basic and Secondary Education Students: The Role of Age, Gender, Education Level, Self-efficacy and Technology Usage. Nordic Journal of digital literacy 13 (4): 56-72. linkki.
Kivinen, O. & Piiroinen, T. 2018. The Evolution of Homo Discens: Natural Selection and Human Learning. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 48 (1): 117–133. linkki.
Kivinen, O. & Piiroinen, T. 2018. Pragmatist Methodological Relationalism in Sociological Understanding of Evolving Human Culture. In: Dépelteau F. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Relational Sociology. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, p. 119-141. DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-66005-9_6.
Kivinen, O. & Piiroinen, T. 2018. Relationalism. In: The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, (Eds.) G. Ritzer and C. Rojek. Published by John Wiley & Sons. DOI: 10.1002/9781405165518.wbeosr090.pub2. linkki.
Piiroinen, T. 2018. A Meaning Holistic (Dis)solution of Subject–Object Dualism – Its Implications for the Human Sciences. History of the Human Sciences. First published online June 7, 2018. linkki.
Didegah, F.; Gazni, A.; Bowman, T. & Holmberg, K. 2017. Internationality in Finnish Research: An Examination of Collaborators, Citers, Tweeters, and Readers. Information Research 22 (1). linkki.
Holmberg, K. & Vainio, J. 2017. Why do some research articles receive more online attention? Reasons for online success as measured with altmetrics. Proceedings of the 16th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference, 16-20 October, 2017, Wuhan, China.
Kaarakainen, M.-T.; Kivinen, A. & Kaarakainen, S.-S. 2017. Differences between the genders in ICT skills for Finnish upper comprehensive school students: Does gender matter? Seminar.net. International Journal of Media, Technology & Lifelong Learning 13 (2). linkki.
Kivinen, O.; Hedman, J. & Artukka, K. 2017. Scientific publishing and global university rankings. How well are top publishing universities recognized? Scientometrics 112 (1): 679-695.
Thomsen, J.-P.; Bertilsson, E.; Dalberg, T.; Hedman, J. & Helland, H. 2017. Higher Education Participation in the Nordic Countries 1985–2010. A Comparative Perspective. European Sociological Review 33 (1): 98-111. (First published online 2016). linkki.
Vainio, J. & Holmberg, K. 2017. Highly tweeted science articles: who tweets them? An analysis of Twitter user profile descriptions. Scientometrics. Online First. DOI 10.1007/s11192-017-2368-0.
Didegah, F.; Gazni, A.; Bowman, T. & Holmberg, K. 2016. Increasing our understanding of altmetrics: identifying factors that are driving both citation and altmetric counts. iConference 2016 Proceedings 1-7.
Eriksson-Backa, K.; Holmberg, K. & Ek, S. 2016. Communicating diabetes and diets on Twitter – a semantic content analysis. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations 16 (1): 8-24.
Gazni, A. & Didegah, F. 2016. The relationship between authors’ bibliographic coupling and citation exchange: analyzing disciplinary differences. Scientometrics 107 (2): 609-626.
Gazni, A.; Larivière, V. & Didegah, F. 2016. The effect of collaborators on institutions’ scientific impact. Scientometrics 109 (2): 1209-1230.
Holmberg, K. & Hellsten, I. 2016. Organizational communication on Twitter: Differences between non-profit and for-profit organizations in the context of climate change. In: Schmidt, Christopher M. (Ed.) Crossmedia-Kommunikation in kulturbedingten Handlungsräumen. Mediengerechte Anwendung und zielgruppenspezifische Ausrichtung. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. Springer: Berlin-Charlottenburg, 305-313.
Holmberg, K. & Hellsten, I. 2016. Twitter Campaigns Around the Fifth IPCC Report: Campaign Spreading, Shared Hashtags, and Separate Communities. Sage Open, July-September, 1-7. linkki.
Holmberg, K.; Bastubacka, J. & Thelwall, M. 2016. “@God please open your fridge!” – A content analysis of Twitter messages to @God: Hopes, humor, spirituality, and profanities. The Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture.
Kivinen, O.; Piiroinen, T. & Saikkonen, L. 2016. Two Viewpoints on the Challenges of ICT in Education: Knowledge-building Theory vs. a Pragmatist Conception of Learning in Social Action. Oxford Review of Education 42 (4): 377-390. linkki.
Lehtimäki, J. & Lehtimäki, J. 2016. Impact of Knowledge Capital on Performance of Firms: A Case of Firms in Finland. Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics, 9 (18): 41-59.
Mäkelä, P. & Maunu, A. 2016. Come on, have a drink: the prevalence and cultural logic of social pressure to drink more. Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy. Online publication. linkki.
Maunu, A. & Törrönen, J. 2016. The Semiotics of Sulkunen. What Does the Two-Sided Window Show? Teoksessa: Hellman ym. (toim.): Beyond the Sociological Imagination. A Festschrift in Honour of Professor Pekka Sulkunen. University of Helsinki: Faculty of Social Sciences, 35-42.
Birkholz, J.; Seeber, M. & Holmberg, K. 2015. Drivers of higher education institutions’ visibility: a study of UK HEIs social media use vs. organizational characteristics. In: Salah, A.A., Tonta, Y., Salah, A.A.A., Sugimoto, C., & Al, U. Proceedings of the 15th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference ISSI, Istanbul, Turkey. linkki.
Haustein, S.; Bowman, T. D.; Holmberg, K.; Tsou, A.; Sugimoto, C. R. & Lariviére, V. 2015. Tweets as impact indicators: Examining the implications of automated “bot” accounts on Twitter. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1002/asi.23456. linkki.
Holmberg, K. 2015. Classifying altmetrics by level of impact. In: Salah, A.A., Tonta, Y., Salah, A.A.A., Sugimoto, C., & Al, U. Proceedings of the 15th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference ISSI, Istanbul, Turkey. linkki.
Holmberg, K. 2015. Online attention of universities in Finland: Are the bigger universities bigger online too? In: Salah, A.A., Tonta, Y., Salah, A.A.A., Sugimoto, C., & Al, U. Proceedings of the 15th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference ISSI, Istanbul, Turkey. linkki.
Holmberg, K. 2015. Altmetrics for Information Professionals – Past, Present and Future. Waltham, MA, USA & Kidlington, UK: Chandos Publishing/Elsevier Ltd. 159 s.
Holmberg, K. 2015. Da bibliometria á altmetria. In: Tarapanoff, Kira (Ed.). Análise de informação para tomada de decisão: desafios e soluções. Curitiba, Brazil: Intersaberes.
Holmberg, K. & Hellsten, I. 2015. Gender differences in the climate change communication on Twitter. Internet Research.
Kivinen, O.; Hedman, J. & Kaipainen, P. 2015. Reputation of universities in global rankings and top university research in six fields of research. In: Callaos, Nagib; Horne, Jeremy; Sánchez, Belkis; Tremante, Andrés; Welsch, Friedrich (Eds.) Proceedings of the 9th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics (IMSCI 2015). Florida: International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, pp. 157-161. linkki.
Samfoga Doh, B. T. 2015. Evaluating the Strategic Objectives of Cameroonian Higher Education: An application of the Balanced Scorecard. Koulutussosiologian tutkimuskeskus, RUSE. väitöskirja. 292 s. Koulutussosiologian tutkimuskeskuksen raportti 81. linkki.
Ahola, S. 2014. Delayed entry and prolonged studies in Finnish higher education policy towards evidence-based policy making? In: T. Aarrevaara & E. Berg (Eds.) Higher Education and Research in Academe – Who should pay?, Luleå University of Technology. Luleå, 117-127.
Ahola, S. 2014. Finland. In: S. Ahola, T. Hedmo, J-P Thomsen & A. Vabø (Eds.). Organisational features of higher education: Denmark, Finland, Norway & Sweden. Working paper 14/2014. Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU). Oslo, 33-57. linkki.
Ahola, S. & Hedman, J. 2014. Finland. In: M. Börjesson, S. Ahola, H. Helland & J-P Thomsen (Eds). Enrolment Patters in Nordic Higher Education, ca 1945 to 2010. Institutions, Types of Education and Fields of Study. Working Paper 15/2014. Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU). Oslo, 33-90. linkki.
Ahola, S.; Hedmo, T.; Thomsen, J.-P. & Vabø, A. .. (Eds.) 2014. Organisational features of higher education: Denmark, Finland, Norway & Sweden. Working paper 14/2014. Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU). Oslo.101 s. linkki.
Börjesson, M.; Ahola, S.; Helland, H. & Thomsen, J.-P. 2014. Enrolment Patterns in Nordic Higher Education, ca 1945 to 2010. Institutions, Types of Education and Fields of Study. Working Paper 15/2014. Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU). Oslo.139 s. linkki.
Haustein, S.; Bowman, T. D.; Holmberg, K.; Peters, I. & Larivière, V. 2014. Astrophysicists on Twitter: An in-depth analysis of tweeting and scientific publication behavior. Aslib Journal of Information Management. 66 (3): 279–296.
Holmberg, K. & Hellsten, I. 2014. Analyzing the climate change debate on twitter -content and differences between genders. Proceedings of the 2014 ACM conference on Web science - WebSci '14, New York:ACM, pp. 287-288.
Holmberg, K. & Thelwall, M. 2014. Disciplinary differences in Twitter scholarly communication. Scientometrics 101 (2): 1027–1042.
Holmberg, K.; Eriksson-Backa, K. & Ek, S. 2014. Tweeting about Diabetes and Diets - Content and Conversational Connections. In: K. Saranto et. al (eds.) Safe and Secure Cities. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 450, pp 46–56.
Holmberg, K.; Bowman, T.; Haustein, S. & Peters, I. 2014. Astrophysicists' Conversational Connections on Twitter. PLoS ONE 9(8): e106086.
Kivinen, O. & Nurmi, J. 2014. Labour Market Relevance of European Master Education. From University Enrolment to Professional Employment in 12 Countries. European Journal of Education 49 (4): 558–574. linkki.
Kivinen, O. & Kaarakainen, M.-T. 2014. Analyzing e-Learning Habits Utilizing the ReadIT Program: Identifying Distinctive e-Learning Strategies. Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal 6 (2): 15–26. linkki.
Pearce, W.; Holmberg, K.; Hellsten, I. & Nerlich, B. 2014. Climate Change on Twitter: Topics, Communities and Conversations about the 2013 IPCC Working Group 1 Report. PLoS ONE 9(4): e94785.
Piiroinen, T. 2014. Three Senses of “Emergence”: On the Term’s History, Functions, and Usefulness in Social Theory. Prolegomena: Journal of Philosophy 13 (1): 141–161. linkki.
Piiroinen, T. 2014. For ''Central Conflation'': A Critique of Archerian Dualism. Sociological Theory 32 (2): 79-99. linkki.
Prix, I. 2014. Limits of Meritocracy. How Fields of Study and Gender Segregation Affect Social Stratification in Finland. Koulutussosiologian tutkimuskeskus, RUSE. väitöskirja. 130 pages + original articles 67 s. Koulutussosiologian tutkimuskeskuksen raportti 80. linkki.
Simola, H.; Carlgren, I.; Heikkinen, S.; Kauko, J.; Kivinen, O.; Kivirauma, J.; Klette, K.; Myrdal, S.; Pitkänen, H.; Rinne, R.; Schnack, K.; Silvonen, J. & Varjo, J. 2014. The Finnish Education Mystery. Historical and sociological essays on schooling in Finland. London: Routledge.288 s.
Simola, H.; Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 2014. Didactic closure: professionalization and pedagogical knowledge in Finnish teacher education. In: H. Simola (ed.): The Finnish Education Mystery. Historical and sociological essays on schooling in Finland, Routledge: London, 2014, pp. 115-134.
Kivinen, O.; Hedman, J. & Kaipainen, P. 2013. Productivity analysis of research in Natural Sciences, Technology and Clinical Medicine: an input–output model applied in comparison of Top 300 ranked universities of 4 North European and 4 East Asian countries. Scientometrics 94 (2): 683-699. linkki.
Kivinen, O. & Piiroinen, T. 2013. Human Transaction Mechanisms in Evolutionary Niches—a Methodological Relationalist Standpoint. In: F. Dépelteau & C. Powell: Applying Relational Sociology: Relations, Networks, and Society. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 83-100. linkki.
Prix, I. 2013. More or different education? The joint impact of educational level and fields of study on earnings stratification in Finland, 1985–2005. Acta Sociologica 56 (3): 265–284. linkki.
Samfoga Doh, B. T. & Samfoga Doh, P. 2013. Performance-based Funding Dynamics for The Enhancement of Strategic Objectives in Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Institutional Case in Cameroon. Open Journal of Education 1(4): 122–129.
Ahola, S. 2012. National Evaluation of Bologna Implementation in Finland: Procedures and outcomes. Tertiary Education and Management 18 (3): 237.
Ahola, S. 2012. Finsk yrkesfagutdaning (VET) og arbeidslivets behov. Finsk yrkesfagutdaning (VET) og arbeidslivets behov. in: Håkon Høst (Ed.) Tradisjonelle utfordringer – fornyet interesse: Hvordan er de nordiske lands yrkesutdanninger i stand til å møte arbeidslivets behov? TemaNord 2012:503. København K: Nordisk Ministerråd, 13–23.
Ahola, S. & Galli, L. 2012. New degree for a new career? Career development of Finnish polytechnic master’s degree graduates. Journal of Education and Work 25 (5): 537-553.
Ahola, S. & Hoffman, D. 2012. Higher education research from a Finnish perspective – an introduction. In: S. Ahola & D.M. Hoffman (Eds.) Higher education research in Finland. Emerging structures and contemporary issues. Finnish Institute for Educational Research, Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, 11–25. linkki.
Ahola, S. & Hoffman, D. (Eds.) 2012. Higher education research in Finland. Emerging structures and contemporary issues. Finnish Institute for Educational Research, Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä.442 s. linkki.
Grant, K. 2012. Exploring Human Trafficking as a Public Health and ‘Glocal’ Issue: Future Considerations and a Plea for Finnish Society to take Action. Migration 39 (3): 9-18. linkki.
Kivinen, O. & Kaipainen, P. 2012. Some research threads in sociology of higher education in Finland. In: S. Ahola & D.M. Hoffman (Eds.) Higher education research in Finland. Emerging structures and contemporary issues, Finnish Institute for Educational Research, Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, 49–66. linkki.
Kivinen, O. & Piiroinen, T. 2012. On the Distinctively Human: Two Perspectives on the Evolution of Language and Conscious Mind. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 42 (1): 87-105. linkki.
Niemelä, J.; Ahola, S.; Blomqvist, C.; Juusola, H.; Karjalainen, M.; Liljander, J.-P.; Mielityinen, I.; Oikarinen, K.; Moitus, S. & Mattila, J. 2012. Part I- Evaluation of the Degree Reform. In: Evaluation of the Bologna Process Implementation in Finland. Publications of the Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council. Helsinki. Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council FINHEEC. 6:2012, 9-162.
Prix, I. 2012. Gender Segregation Within Different Educational Levels: Austrian and Finnish Trends in the Light of Educational Reform, 1981–2005. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 56 (6): 637-657. linkki.
Aminoff, R. 2011. The Current Themes in Indian Higher Education. linkki.
Hedman, J.; Kivinen, O. & Kaipainen, P. 2011. From global performance rankings towards national productivity ratings: Productivity of scientific action in technology and management/social sciences. In: N. Callaos, H-W Chu, W. Lesso, M.J. Savoie, F. Welsh & C.D. Zinn (Eds.) The 2nd International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics, Proceedings Volume II, March 27th-30th, 2011, Florida: International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, pp. 296–301. linkki.
Kivinen, O. & Hedman, J. 2011. From university rankings towards productivity analysis of scientific action and evidence-based policy. Refereed paper in: N. Anderson (ed.) Proceedings of the 6th QS-APPLE Conference, Singapore, 17th-19th November, 2010, Published in June 2011, Cairns: James Cook University, pp. 24–38. linkki.
Kivinen, O.; Galli, L. & Kaarakainen, M.-T. 2011. ReadIT – a developing and testing method for training reading comprehension strategies. In A. Mendez-Vilas (Ed.) Education in a technological world: communicating current and emerging research and technological efforts. Badajoz: Formatex Research Center, pp. 383-390.
Kivinen, O.; Hedman, J. & Kaipainen, P. 2011. From rankings to ratings: An input-output analysis of productivity of research and teaching by disciplines. In: N. Callaos, H-W Chu, W. Lesso, M.J. Savoie, F. Welsh & C.D. Zinn (Eds.) The 2nd International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics, Proceedings Volume II, March 27th-30th, 2011, Florida: International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, 268–273. linkki.
Kivinen, O.; Hedman, J. & Peltoniemi, K. 2011. Towards the Best A++ Rating. Productivity of Research and Teaching in Finnish Universities. linkki.
Kivinen, O. 2011. The Philosophy of Society? The Relevance of Searlean Social Ontology for Social Sciences. In: E. Kahla (Ed.) Between Utopia and Apocalypse. Essays on Social Theory and Russia. Aleksanteri Series 1/2011, Helsinki: University of Helsinki, pp. 38–61.
Samfoga Doh, B. T. 2011. Addressing the Challenges of University Research in Sub-Saharan African Universities: A Cameroonian perspective for performance based management. International Journal of Arts and Sciences 4 (8): 37-52.
Kivinen, O. & Nurmi, J. 2010. Different but equal? Assessing European dual HE systems. Higher Education 60 (4): 369-393. linkki.
Kivinen, O. & Piiroinen, T. 2010. Hacia un relacionalismo pragmático metodológico: De una filosofización de la sociología a una sociologización de la filosofía. CS: Indagaciones y perspectivas en Psicología Social. Número 5 (Enero-Junio de 2010): 263–294.
Samfoga Doh, B. T. 2010. Performance-baced funding mechanisms in the Cameron higher education system: Case of the staff development grant at the University of Buea. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing. 108 p.
Kivinen, O.; Hedman, J. & Kaipainen, P. 2009. Organisational learning, real-time documentation and on-site analysis — towards intelligent organisations: a case study on team sport. A. Méndez Vilas, A. Solano Martín, J. Mesa González & J.A. Mesa González (eds.) Research, Reflections and Innovations. Integrating ICT in Education. Vol. 1. Badajoz : FORMATEX, pp. 92-96.
Lindberg, M. 2009. Student and early career mobility patterns among highly educated people in Germany, Finland, Italy, and the United Kingdom. Higher Education, 58(3): 339–358.
Prix, I. 2009. Gender and recent graduates' occupational stratification: the interactive role of the educational and employment sectors in four countries. Comparative Education 45 (4): 545-568. linkki.
Kivinen, O. & Hedman, J. 2008. World-wide University Rankings — A Scandinavian approach. Scientometrics 74 (3): 391-408. linkki.
Kivinen, O.; Hedman, J. & Kaipainen, P. 2008. Simulation, Experimentalization and Knowing-how. An experimental study on real-time documentation and on-site analysis in team sports. In: Welsch, F. Malpica, F, Tremante, A., Carrasquero, J.V. & Oropeza, A. (eds.): The 2nd International-Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics, Proceedings Volume IV, Post-conference Issue. Florida: International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, 54-59. linkki.
Kivinen, O.; Kaipainen, P. & Hedman, J. 2008. Towards Relational Social Sciences – A Bourdieuan/Pragmatist Viewpoint to Inquiry. In: Welsch, F. Malpica, F, Tremante, A., Carrasquero, J.V. & Oropeza, A. (eds.): The 2nd International-Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics, Proceedings Volume IV, Post-conference Issue. Florida: International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, 169-174. linkki.
Kivinen, O.; Hedman, J. & Peltoniemi, K. 2008. Productivity of research by disciplines in Finland in 2002-2006. Turku: Turun yliopisto.80 s. Koulutussosiologian tutkimuskeskuksen raportti 73. tiivistelmä.
Lindberg, M. 2008. Higher Education-to-work Transitions in the Knowledge Society: The Initial Transition and Positional Competition Point of View. Higher Education in Europe 33(4): 375-385.
Lindberg, M. 2008. Diverse Routes from School, via Higher Education, to Employment. A Comparison of Nine European Countries. väitöskirja. 143 pages + original articles 58 s. Koulutussosiologian tutkimuskeskuksen raportti 70. linkki.
Ahola, S. 2007. Doctoral education in Finland: between traditionalism and modernity. In: Powell, S. & Green, H. (eds.) The Doctorate Worldwide. Berkshire England and New York: The society for Research into Higher Education, Open University Press and McGraw-Hill, pp. 29-39.
Ahola, S. & Kivelä, S. 2007. Education is important, but …’ Young people outside of schooling and the Finnish policy of ‘education guarantee’. Educational Research 49 (3): 243-258.
Kivinen, O. 2007. Higher Education and Science Policy in Finland. In: J. Enders & F. van Vught (eds.) 2007. Towards a cartography of higher education policy change. A Festschrift in Honour of Guy Neave. AE Enchede: CHEPS, University of Twente, 193-199.
Kivinen, O. & Nurmi, J. 2007. Job Requirements and Competences: Do qualifications matter? In: U. Teichler (Ed.) 2007. Careers of University Graduates. Views and Experiences in Comparative Perspectives. Higher education dynamics 17. AA Dordrecht: Springer, 131-142.
Kivinen, O. & Piiroinen, T. 2007. Sociologizing Metaphysics and Mind: A Pragmatist Point of View on the Methodology of the Social Sciences. Human Studies 30 (2): 97–114. linkki.
Kivinen, O.; Hedman, J. & Kaipainen, P. 2007. From Elite University to Mass Higher Education. Educational expansion, equality of opportunity and returns to university education. Acta Sociologica 50 (3): 231-247. linkki.
Lindberg, M. 2007. Connections between the differentiation of higher education participation and the distribution of occupational status, A comparative study of seven European countries. European Societies 9(4): 551-572.
Lindberg, M. 2007. ‘At the Frontier of Graduate Surveys’ Assessing participation and employability of graduates with master’s degree in nine European countries. Higher Education, 53 (5): 623–644.
Lindberg, M. 2007. Connections between the Segmentation of Participation and the Distribution of Occupational Status – Comparison of Higher Education Participation and Graduate Employment in Nine European Countries. In Rinne, Heikkinen & Salo (eds.) Adult Education – Liberty, Fraternity, Equality? Nordic Views on Lifelong Learning. Finnish Educational Research Association, 275–295.
Kivinen, O. & Piiroinen, T. 2006. On the Limits of a Realist Conception of Knowledge: A Pragmatist Critique of Archerian Realism. The Sociological Review 54 (2): 224–241. linkki.
Kivinen, O. & Piiroinen, T. 2006. Toward Pragmatist Methodological Relationalism: From Philosophizing Sociology to Sociologizing Philosophy. Philosophy of the Social Sciences 36 (3): 303–329. linkki.
Kivinen, O. & Poikus, P. 2006. Privileges of Universitas Magistrorum et Scolarium and their justification in charters of foundation from the 13th to the 21st centuries. Higher Education 52 (2): 185-213. linkki.
Ahola, S. 2005. From “Different but Equal” to “Equal but Different”. Finnish AMKs in the Bologna Process. 27th Annual EAIR Forum Proceedings. CD-ROM.
Ahola, S. 2005. Global and Local Priorities in Higher Education Policies: A Headache at the National Level? Tertiary Education and Management 11 (1): 37-53.
Fields, M. 2005. To Educate, Empower or Economise? Lifelong learning in Civil Society Organisations. väitöskirja. 337 s. Koulutussosiologian tutkimuskeskuksen raportti 66. tiivistelmä.
Kivinen, O. & Hedman, J. 2005. From Strategic learning to Recursive Learning Practices. From analyzing the development of functional foods to developing functional services. LEARN Periodical 2005, 10-12.
Kivinen, O.; Eriksson-Backa, K. & Hedman, J. 2005. A Proposal for a National Nutritional Strategy. Institutional Catering Services over the Life Span. Turku: Turun yliopisto.83 s. Koulutussosiologian tutkimuskeskuksen raportti 67.
Lindberg, M. 2005. Is It Worth Being ‘Traditional’ in the Era of Mass Individualization? Predicting Labour Market Success of Graduates with Master’s Degrees. Higher Education in Europe, 30(3–4): 385–398.
Kivinen, O. & Piiroinen, T. 2004. The Relevance of Ontological Commitments in Social Sciences: Realist and Pragmatist Viewpoints. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 34 (3): 231–248. linkki.
Kivinen, O. & Nurmi, J. 2003. Unifying Higher Education for Different Kinds of Europeans. Higher Education and Work: a comparison of ten countries. Comparative Education 39 (1): 83-103. linkki.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 2003. The Nordic Welfare State Model and European Union Educational Policies. In: P. Rasmussen (Ed.) Educational Policy and the Global Social Order. VLC Publications series No. 34. Centre for the Interdisciplinary Study of Learning, Aalborg: Aalborg University, 23-42.
Kivinen, O. & Ristelä, P. 2003. From constructivism to a pragmatist conception of learning. Oxford Review of Education 29 (3): 363-375. linkki.
Kivinen, O. & Varelius, J. 2003. The Emerging Field of Biotechnology — The Case of Finland. Science, Technology & Human Values 28 (1): 141-161. linkki.
Kivinen, O.; Hedman, J.; Nurmi, J. & Hautaniemi, R. 2003. Strategic Learning in an Evolving Field of Food and Health (F&H). LEARN Periodical 3 (2003): 11-13.
Ahola, S. & Mesikämmen, J. 2002. Finnish Higher Education Policy and the Ongoing Bologna Process. Higher Education in Europe 28 (2): 217-227.
Kivinen, O. 2002. Higher Learning in an Age of Uncertainty. From Postmodern Critique to Appropriate University Practices. In: O. Fulton & J. Enders (Eds.) 2002. Higher Education in a Globalizing World – International Trends and Mutual Observations. A Festschrift in Honour of Ulrich Teichler. Higher Education Dynamics Vol 1. AA Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 191-206.
Kivinen, O. & Kaipainen, P. 2002. Global Market Competition and Higher Education. South African Journal of Higher Education 16 (1): 60-66.
Kivinen, O. & Ristelä, P. 2002. Even Higher Learning Takes Place by Doing: from postmodern critique to pragmatic action. Studies in Higher Education 27 (4): 419-430. linkki.
Kivinen, O. & Silvennoinen, H. 2002. Changing relations between education and work: on the mechanisms and outcomes of the educational system. International Journal of Lifelong Education 21 (1): 44-54. linkki.
Kivinen, O.; Hedman, J. & Ahola, S. 2002. Changes in Differences in Participation in Expanding Higher Education: Reply to Hellevik. Acta Sociologica 45 (2):159-162. linkki.
Ahola, S. 2001. Analysing the Interaction of Education and Occupation: the problem of ‘miscellaneous‘ in large data sets-. In T. P. Jensen & A. Holm (eds.): Nordic Labour Market Research on Register Data. TemaNord 2001:593. Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen. [No 71].
Ahola, S. & Kivinen, O. 2001. Postgraduate Education in Europe Harmonising with a dissonance? Paper presented at the conference Postgraduate Education in Europe - past, present and future May 4-5, 2001, University of Linköping, Sweden. linkki.
Ahola, S. & Kokko, A. 2001. Finding the Best Possible Students: student selection and its problems in the field of business. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 23 (2):191-203.
Kivinen, O.; Ahola, S. & Hedman, J. 2001. Expanding Education and Improving Odds? Participation in Higher Education in Finland in the 1980s and 1990s. Acta Sociologica 44 (2): 171-181. linkki.
Kivinen, O.; Mesikämmen, J. & Metsä-Tokila, T. 2001. A Case Study in Cultural Diffusion: British Ice Hockey and American Influences in Europe. Culture, Sport, Society 4 (1): 49-62. linkki.
Metsä-Tokila, T. & Hedman, J. 2001. Internationalisation of the NHL: A European perspective. In: International sociology of sport association (eds.) Sociology of sport and new global order: Bridging perspectives and crossing boundaries. 1st World Congress of Sociology of Sport, Seoul, Korea July 20-24, Yonsei University. Seoul. 247-254.
Kaipainen, P.; Kivinen, O. & Ahola, S. 2000. Finland. In: J. Huisman & J. Bartelse (Eds.): Academic Careers: A Comparative Perspective. Center for Higher Education Policy Studies. Enschede: Universiteit Twente, 51-59. linkki.
Kivinen, O. 2000. How to redesign the relations between the educational system and working life. In: K. Nyyssölä (ed.) New Challenges in the Cooperation between Education and Training and Working Life. Final report. Helsinki: Ministry of Education and National Board of Education in cooperation with the European Commission,152-159.
Kivinen, O. & Hedman, J. 2000. From a Loan-Based to a Grant-Based Student Support System: the Finnish Experience. European Journal of Education 35 (1): 97-109. linkki.
Kivinen, O. & Kaipainen, P. 2000. United States and European Research & Development Policy in the Field of Biotechnology. Athens: Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS): Research Paper, No. 79.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 2000. State, Governmentality and Education: The Nordic experience. In: Stephen J. Ball (Ed.) Sociology of Education, volume IV: Politics and Policies. London and New York: Routledge, 1735-1752.
Kivinen, O.; Nurmi, J. & Salminiitty, R. 2000. Higher Education and Graduate Employment in Finland. European Journal of Education 35 (2): 165-177. linkki.
Tomusk, V. 2000. The Blinding Darkness of the Enlightenment: Towards the understanding of post state-socialist higher education in Eastern Europe. väitöskirja. 311 s. Koulutussosiologian tutkimuskeskuksen raportti 53. tiivistelmä.
Ahola, S. 1999. The Matching of Educational and Occupational Structures in Finland and Sweden. Thessaloniki: CEDEFOP - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. tiivistelmä.
Ahola, S. & Silvennoinen, H. 1999. Towards New Understanding of School-to-Work Transitions. In O. Kivinen, H. Silvennoinen & P. Puustelli (eds.): Work-Based Learning. Prospects and Challenges. Helsinki: Ministry of Education.
Hedman, J. & Aaltonen, S. 1999. The External Economic Impacts of the University of Turku. Self-Evaluation Report. Rehtorinviraston julkaisusarja 6/1999:66. Turun Yliopisto.
Kivinen, O. 1999. How Fares the University? And How Should it Fare. In: I. Fägerlind, I. Holmesland & G. Strömqvist (Eds.) Higher Education at the Crossroads. Tradition or Transformation? Studies in Comparative and International Education 48. Institute of International Education. Stockholm: Stockholm University, 133-146.
Kivinen, O. 1999. Towards Locally Organized Work-Based Learning. In: O. Kivinen, Silvennoinen, H. & Puustelli, P. (Eds.) Work-Based Learning. Challenges and Prospects. Helsinki: Ministry of Education, 58-96.
Kivinen, O. & Ahola, S. 1999. Introduction. In O. Kivinen, S. Ahola & P. Kaipainen (eds.). Towards the European Model of Postgraduate Training. Research Unit for the Sociology of Education. Research Report 50. Turku: University of Turku.
Kivinen, O. & Ahola, S. 1999. Conclusions: diversity or harmonisation? In: Kivinen, O., Ahola, S. & Kaipainen, P. (Eds.) Towards the European Model of Postgraduate Training. Research Unit for the Sociology of Education, Report 50, Turku: University of Turku, 257-283.
Kivinen, O. & Ahola, S. 1999. Higher Education as Human Risk Capital. Reflections on Changing Labour Markets. Higher Education Vol 38 (2): 191-208. linkki.
Kivinen, O. & Peltomäki, M. 1999. Apprenticeship Training. In: O. Kivinen, Silvennoinen, H. & Puustelli, P. (Eds.) Work-Based Learning. Challenges and Prospects. Helsinki: Ministry of Education, 97-118.
Kivinen, O. & Peltomäki, M. 1999. On the Job or in the Classroom? The Apprenticeship in Finland from the 17th Century to the 1990’s. Journal of Education and Work 12 (1): 75-93.
Kivinen, O. & Silvennoinen, H. 1999. From Classroom Lessons to Knowing How. In: O. Kivinen, Silvennoinen, H. & Puustelli, P. (Eds.) Work-Based Learning. Challenges and Prospects. Helsinki: Ministry of Education, 9-15.
Kivinen, O. & Silvennoinen, H. 1999. Work and Learning: Challenges for the Future. In: O. Kivinen, Silvennoinen, H. & Puustelli, P. (Eds.) Work-Based Learning. Challenges and Prospects. Helsinki: Ministry of Education, 163-179.
Kivinen, O.; Ahola, S. & Kokko, A. 1999. PhD Training in Finland: problems and prospects. In: O. Kivinen, Ahola, S. & Kaipainen, P. (Eds.) Towards the European Model of Postgraduate Training. Research Unit for the Sociology of Education. Report 50, Turku: University of Turku, 51-81.
Kivinen, O.; Ahola, S. & Kaipainen, P. (Eds.) 1999. Towards the European Model of Postgraduate Training. Turku: Turun yliopisto.283 s. Koulutussosiologian tutkimuskeskuksen raportti 50. tiivistelmä.
Kivinen, O.; Silvennoinen, H. & Puustelli, P. (Eds.) 1999. Work-based learning. Prospects and Challenges. Helsinki: Ministry of Education 1999. 179 s. tiivistelmä.
Ollikainen, A. 1999. The Single Market for Education and National Educational Policy. väitöskirja. 310 s. Koulutussosiologian tutkimuskeskuksen raportti 49. tiivistelmä.
Kivinen, O. & Hedman, J. 1998. Finnland/Finland. In: Schwartz, S, Daniel, H-D & Teichler, U. (Eds.) Costs of Study, Student Income and Study Behaviour in Selected European Countries,. Kassel: Wissenschaftliches Zentrum für Berufs- und Hochschulforschung, Universität Gesamthochschule Kassel.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1998. The Finnish Higher Education Policy and Teacher Training. In: P. Drewek & C. Lüth (Eds.) History of Educational Studies. Paedagogica Historica. International journal of the history of education. Supplementary series volume III. GENT C.S.H.P., 447-470.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1998. From the Mass to the Elite: Structure, Limits and Future of Scandinavian Educational Systems. In: A. Tjeldvoll (ed.) Education and the Scandinavian Welfare State in the Year 2000. Equality, Policy and Reform. New York & London: Garland Publishing Inc., 335-352.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1998. Methodological Challenges for Comparative Research into Higher Education. Interchange 29 (2): 121-136.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1998. State, Governmentality and Education — the Nordic experience. British Journal of Sociology of Education 19 (1): 39-52.
Ahola, S. 1997. Different but Equal - Student Expectations and the Finnish Dual Higher Education Policy. European Journal of Education 32 (3): 291-302. linkki.
Ahola, S. & Nurmi, J. 1997. Choosing University or Vocational College - the Formation of Educational Preferences. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 41 (2): 127-139.
Kivinen, O. 1997. Young People and Education Policy. Review of National Youth Policy. Finland. National Report. Council of Europe. Finland. Ministry of Education, 142-150.
Kivinen, O. 1997. Higher Education and Employment: Graduate credentials in a changing labour market. Higher Education in Europe XXII (4): 443-455.
Kivinen, O. 1997. In Quest of expertise and Humility. In: Kurtakko, K., O. Kivinen and Eskola, J. (eds.) Adult Education without Barriers. Discussion and Research in European Context. Rovaniemi: University of Lapland. Adult education. Publications C 16. Katsauksia ja puheenvuoroja, 66-82.
Kivinen, O. 1997. Les jeunes et la politique de l’enseignement Revue de la politique nationale de la Jeunesse. Finlande. Rapport national. Conseil de l’Europe. Ministère de l’Education, 142-150.
Kivinen, O.; Kurtakko, K. & Eskola, J. (Eds.) 1997. Adult Education without Barriers. Discussion and Research in European Context. Adult education. Publications C 16. Rovaniemi: University of Lappland.
Simola, H.; Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1997. Didactic Closure: Professionalization and Pedagogic Knowledge in Finnish Teacher Education. Teaching & Teacher Education 13 (8): 877-892.
Kivinen, O. & Kivirauma, J. 1996. El modelo de la escuela moderna y el crecimiento de la educación especial. In: B. Franklin (ed.) Interpretación de la discapacidad. Teoría e historia de la educación especial. Barcelona: Ediciones Pomares-Corredor, 269-312.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1996. How Functional the School System Is? The Changing Relationship between Education and Society in Finland from 1860s to 1990s. In: ISCHE XVIII. Schooling in Changing Societies Historical and Comparative Perspectives (c. 1750-1996). Abstracts. Krakow. August 6-9, pp. 50-51.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1996. Changing higher education policy. Three Western models. In: Z. Morsy and P.G. Altbach (Eds.) Higher Education in an International Perspective. New York & London: Garland Publishing Inc., 169-177.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1996. Higher Education, Mobility and Inequality: the Finnish case. European Journal of Education 31 (3): 289-310.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1996. The Problem of Diversification in Higher Education: counter tendencies between divergence and convergence in the Finnish higher education system since the 1950s. In: V.L. Meek, L. Goedegebuure, O. Kivinen and Rinne, R. (eds.) The Mockers and Mocked; Comparative Perspectives on Differentiation, Convergence and Diversity in Higher Education. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 95-116.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1996. The second chance: the vital myth of equal opportunities in adult education. In: R. Edwards, A. Hanson & P. Raggatt (eds.) Boundaries of Adult Learning. London & New York: Routledge and The Open University, 183-195.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1996. Teacher Training and Higher Education Policies in Finland since the World War II. In: H. Simola and T. Popkewitz (eds.) Professionalization in Education. Department of Teacher Education. Research report 196, Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 76-96.
Meek, V. L.; Goedegebuure, L.; Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. (Eds.) 1996. The Mockers and Mocked; Comparative Perspectives on Differentiation, Convergence and Diversity in Higher Education. Edited + Introduction and Conclusion together with L. Goedegebuure, V.L. Meek and R. Rinne. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 239 pages.
Simola, H.; Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1996. Decontextualizing Pedagogy:The Rise of Didactic Closure in Finnish Teacher Education. ERIC resources in education ed 399243.
Simola, H.; Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1996. Decontextualizing Pedagogy: The Rise of Didactic Closure in Finnish Teacher Education. In: Th. Sander and I.M. Vez (eds.) Lifelong Learning in European Teacher Education. Osnabrück: Compare - TE European Network, 188-214.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1995. Educational Research, a Hostage of Teacher Training? The Historical Context of Educational Research in Finland. In: ISCHE 17, History of Educational Studies. Abstracts. Berlin, September 13-17, pp. 107-108.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1995. Education of the Elementary School Teachers and Images of Citizenship in Finland during the 19th and 20th Centuries. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 39 (3): 237-256.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1995. The Social Inheritance of Education. Equality of Educational Opportunity among Young People in Finland. Statistics Finland. Education 1995:15. Helsinki. 135 pages.
Kivinen, O.; Ahola, S. & Kankaanpää, A. 1995. Current and Future Demand for Graduates: Problems of Comparative Analysis. European Journal of Education 30 (2): 187-201.
Kivinen, O. 1994. Recent Issues in University Continuing Education in Finland. EUCEN. Fifth European Conference: Continuing Education in Spain and in Europe. Proceedings. Continuing Education Studies. University of Barcelona. Bosch i Gimpera Foundation May 13-16, 1993 (Published in 1994) pp. 33-34.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1994. Teachers and the Teacher Education of the People: Elementary School Teachers and Images of Citizenship in Scandinavia during the 19th and 20th Centuries. ERIC resources in education ed 369560.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1994. Adult Education and Universities in the Era of Economic Depression. In: M. Parjanen (ed.) Outside the Golden Gate - Prospects and comparisons in Finnish Adult Higher Education. University of Tampere. Institute of Extension Studies A 3, 4-17.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1994. The Thirst for Learning, or Protecting One’s Niche? British Journal of Sociology of Education 15 (4): 515-528.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1994. Offentlig och privat utbildning i Finland: Utbildningssystemets historiska förändring. In: H. Andersson and I. Nelsson (eds.) Kampen om lärohusen: studier kring statsmakt och föräldrarrätt i nordisk skolutveckling. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International.
Ahola, S. 1993. Diversification and the Mass Higher Education System in Finland. Martin Trow Revisited. Teoksessa H. Jalkanen & L. Leistinen (toim.) Korkeakoulutuksen kriisi. Kasvatustieteiden tutkimuslaitos. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän yliopisto.
Kivinen, O. 1993. The Education Market, Qualifications and European Integration. Higher Education in Europe XVIII (2): 24-36.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1993. Adult Education in Different Regions of Finland. in: (Editorial board: P. Gam, S. Tosse, J. Tuomisto, M. Klasson and B. Wahlgren) Social Change and Adult Education Research Adult Education Research in Nordic Countries. 1991/1992. Nordic Folk Academy. Copenhagen 1993. pp. 90-104.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1993. Adult Education the Second Chance: Fact and Fiction. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 37 (2): 115-128.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1993. Society, Education and Vocational Competition: Towards flexible society of continuous adult education. In: R. Mäkinen and M. Taalas (eds.) Producing and Certifying Vocational Qualifications. University of Jyväskylä. Institute for Educational Research. Publication series B:83, pp. 13-24.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1993. Changing Higher Education Policy. In: Z. Morsy and P. G. Altbach (eds.) Higher Education in International Perspective: Toward the 21st Century. New York: Advent, pp. 177-185.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1993. Educational Qualifications and the Labour Market: A Scandinavian perspective. Industry and Higher Education 7 (2): 111-118.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1993. Sustainable Faith in Education. In: M. Rahikainen (ed.) Austerity and Prosperity. Perspectives on Finnish Society. Teaching Monographs 15. Lahti, pp. 104-113.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1993. Grundutbildning och medborgarfostran. Medborgarbilden i Finland på 1800- och 1900-talen. Historisk Tidskrift för Finland 78 (2): 213-232.
Ahola, S. 1992. Higher Education as a Field. In P. Hakkarainen, H. Jalkanen & P. Määttä (eds.): Current Visions and Analyses on Finnish Higher Education System. Institute for Educational Research, Series B 75. Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1992. Investment in Higher Education: The Finnish Experience. Higher Education in Europe XVII (1): 118-131.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1992. Adult Education Gains Importance: The Finnish Model. Scandinavian Review 80 (2): 18-23.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1992. Adult Education, the Second Chance: fact and fiction. In: R. Mykletun (ed.) Kongressrapport fra den 20. nordiske kongress for pedagogisk forskning. International Research Institute of Stavanger. Report 132. Stavanger.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1992. Education in Transition. In: O. Kivinen & Rinne, R. (eds.) Educational Strategies in Finland in the 1990s. University of Turku. Research Unit for the Sociology of Education. Research Report 8. Turku, pp. 11-15.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1992. Evaluation of Higher Education in Finland. In: G. Chinapah (ed.) Evaluation of Higher Education in a Changing Europe. Unesco. Educational Management and Policies Unit. Institute of International Education. 1992. University of Stockholm, pp. 27-42.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1992. Higher Education Reforms and Social Change in Finland. Education and Society 10 (2):47-57.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1992. Investment in Higher Education: The Finnish Experience. Higher Education Policy 5 (2): 50-54.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1992. The Schooling Society: Expansionist Educational Policy as a Means of Governing Social Selection. In: O. Kivinen & Rinne, R. (eds.) Educational Strategies in Finland in the 1990s. Research Unit for the Sociology of Education. Research Report 8. Turku: University of Turku, pp. 111-128.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1992. What Will Happen in the 1990s? In: O. Kivinen & Rinne, R. (eds.) Educational Strategies in Finland in the 1990s. Research Unit for the Sociology of Education. Research Report 8. Turku: University of Turku, pp. 129-134.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1992. Teacher Education and Educational Sciences in Finnish University System. LEIF 29 (4): 56-60.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. (Eds.) 1992. Educational Strategies in Finland in the 1990s. Research Unit for the Sociology of Education. Report 8. Turku. 134 pages.
Kivinen, O.; Rinne, R. & Ahola, S. 1992. The Problems of State Educational Planning. In: O. Kivinen & Rinne, R. (eds.) Educational Strategies in Finland in the 1990s. Research Unit for the Sociology of Education. Research Report 8. Turku: University of Turku, pp. 85-109.
Kivinen, O.; Rinne, R. & Ahola, S. 1992. Transition from Secondary to Higher Education — the Integration of Educational Structures S. In: O. Kivinen & Rinne, R. (eds.) Educational Strategies in Finland in the 1990s. Research Unit for the Sociology of Education. Research Report 8. Turku: University of Turku, pp. 17-36.
Kivinen, O.; Rinne, R. & Hyppönen, K. 1992. The Expansion of Higher Education and the Changing Demands of State. In: State Control in Higher Education. New Patterns. Hungarian Institute for Educational Research, Budapest: University of Budapest, pp. 49-62.
Kivinen, O.; Rinne, R. & Hyppönen, K. 1992. New Clients for Higher Education and the Problem of the Closed University. Higher Education Management 4 (1):28-42.
Kivinen, O.; Silvennoinen, H. & Rinne, R. 1992. ’New’ Educational Strategies in Finland: Managing Structural Change on the Labour Market. In: O. Kivinen & Rinne, R. (eds.) Educational Strategies in Finland in the 1990s. Research Unit for the Sociology of Education. Research Report 8. Turku: University of Turku, pp. 37-84.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. (Eds.) 1992. Educational Strategies in Finland in the 1990s. Turku: Turun yliopisto.134 s. Koulutussosiologian tutkimuskeskuksen raportti 8.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1991. The Capital of the Nation. In: K. Pietiläinen (ed.). Yearbook of Finnish Culture. Helsinki. Business Books 94-105.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1991. Changing Higher Education Policy: Three Western Models. Prospects, Quarterly Review of Education 21 (3): 1991.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1991. How to Steer Student Flows and Higher Education: the Headache Facing the Finnish Ministry of Education. In: G. Neave & F. van Vught (Eds.):. Prometheus Bound. The Changing Relationship between Government and Higher Education in Western Europe, pages 51-64. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1991. Mapping the Field of Stratification in Higher Education: The Finnish Experience. Higher Education 21 (4): 521-549.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1991. Évolution des politiques de l’enseignement supérieur. Trois modèles occidentaux. Perspectives XXI (3) 1991: 467-476.
Meek, L.; Goedegebuure, L.; Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1991. Policy change in Higher Education: Intended and Unintended Outcome. Higher Education 21 (4): 451-459.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1990. The Limits for the Expansion of Higher Education? The Case of Finland. European Journal of Education 25 (2): 147-155.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1990. State Governance and Market Attraction: Models of Higher Education in the USA, Western Europe and Finland. In: (ed.) European Regional Consultation on management and Administration of Higher Education in a Market Economy. Plovdiv: Unesco & Bulgarian Ministry of Science and Higher Education Bulgaria, 1-13.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1990. The University, State and Professional Interest Groups: A Finnish Lesson in University Development Policy. Higher Education Policy 3 (3): 15-18.
Kivinen, O.; Isoaho, H. & Rinne, R. 1990. Education and the Family Background of the Young in Finland. Helsinki: Central Statistical Office of Finland. Studies 172.
Kivinen, O. & Kivirauma, J. 1989. Special Education as a Part of the School System and as a Classification System: the Case of Finland in the Twentieth Century. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 33 (1): 67-78.
Kivinen, O. & Rinne, R. 1989. On the Accumulation and Polarisation of Adult Education. Adult Education in Finland 26 (4): 16-24.
Kivinen, O. 1988. The Systematisation of Education. Basic Education and the State School Doctrine in Finland in the 19th and 20th Centuries. In: S. Seppo (Ed.) The Social Role and Evolution of the Teaching Profession in Historical Context. Volume 1. 10th session of the International Standing Conference for the History of Education. Bulletins of the Faculty of Education 23, Joensuu: University of Joensuu, 93-106.
Kivinen, O. & Kivirauma, J. 1988. Classification, Selection and Schooling. Sociological Studies A:13. Department of Sociology and Political Research. Turku: University of Turku.
Kivinen, O. & Kivirauma, J. 1988. Deviance and Deficiency – Pupils in the 20th Century Finnish Special Education. Nordisk Pedagogik 8 (4): 203-209.
Kivirauma, J. & Kivinen, O. 1988. The School System and Special Education. Causes and Effects in the 20th Century. In: E. Mikkola (Ed.) XIV Nordic Congress of Sociology: ”Norden, sociologin och världssamhället”. 21.-23.8.1987 Tampere. Working Papers B:25. Department of Sociology and Social Psychology. Tampere: University of Tampere, 138-140.
Kivirauma, J. & Kivinen, O. 1988. The School System and Special Education: Causes and Effects in the 20th Century. Disability, Handicap & Society 3 (2): 153-165.